Beautiful Mess

I love the lessons that are reinforced in the everyday.

Today I was prompted to bless a friend. I wanted to encourage her and knew just what I would do.

Eager to try a new recipe, I pulled out my fancy Bundt pan and got to work. This was going to be great! I love to bake and am pretty good at it if I do say so myself. (Oops). Baking for someone else allows me to enjoy the process and avoid the sugar for the two of us at home.

All from scratch I was feeling creative and pleased with the process. I had on my favorite apron and good music playing. My vision of a decadent chocolate cake with two types of chocolate dripping from the top was going to be such a welcome surprise.

The surprise was mine when…

…I knew I was experiencing a “you’ve been chopped” moment or clearly wasn’t going to be “star baker”. I started to laugh and knew I had too much already in this cake to stop. I didn’t have the right ingredients to try again. There was too much that was good in that messy heap.

The beauty is, the friend I was gifting this decadent mess to is okay with my real self. Having seen me in the ridiculous, the tough stuff and the celebrations, the gift would still be given. It is okay to be okay with messy heaps.

The gift was received with laughter. The blessing of life shared — life can be messy but oh so beautiful.

8 thoughts on “Beautiful Mess

  1. The wife had one like this happen to her just before company arrived. The ever-levelheaded son said, “Make a trifle of it.” Broke it into small pieces, placed them in a large glass bowl, drizzled maple syrup and whipped cream over it all, and accepted accolades and a request for repeat performances. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh Diane, along with the smile of the episode (laughter really, but all good) you’ve brought a message of pure love and care for another, bringing all of our best and our humble selves and caring selves. You’ve shared a wonderful lesson here.


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