Still on the Journey

I’ve come to accept and acknowledge that certain days bare more significance than others. Some days note births, anniversaries, or celebratory moments of achievement. Some days mark pivotal moments of loss and pain. For many, these days are markers on life’s calendar. The date becomes the before and after marker to note what life was like before or after that day. Often the journey that is life changes because of the events of these days. Sometimes we are able to plan for the detours or altered paths and sometimes the path is changed beyond what we can imagine.

Today is one of those significant days on my life calendar. At the start of 2015, I hadn’t circled March 5th as a noteworthy day, but due to one of those unexpected detours on the journey, it is now a pivotal day in my story. It is one of a few days that relate to the detour of cancer. Six — yes 6 — years ago today I underwent a surgery to remove a mass that was colon cancer and would be staged at 3a in days that followed.

I don’t publish to my blog as often now as I did when the detour was fresh. Many who still read this blog were those who followed along during those days. I still am thankful for the companionship that you gave.

Today as I put on my shoes to take a solitary walk and soak up some sunshine, I made sure I took time to feel the breath in my lungs. I stopped a couple of time in the course of those three miles to turn my face to the sun and feel the warm, and yet crisp March air. I thanked God for joints that move, and am even okay that they ache a little.

A lot of life happened prior to March 6, 2015. A lot of life has happened in the last six years. We have welcomed two grandchildren and will soon hold a third. We have added a wonderful son in law to our family. New adventures have been had, some quite simple, yet glorious and some more grandiose. Some of life has been hard and scary. That will always be true on this earth. Each day is one on the journey. Each day I have been thankful for life.

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. March 5 is a day to wear blue for Colon Screening Awareness. Six plus years ago, I could not have know how important screening would be. I could not have known how many people I would meet who would share their story with me or who would ask me to share my story. Many are not still here to continue their journey. I share that reality to underscore the importance of screening. Early detection is so valuable. Screening is recommended at age 45 (many MDs feel it should be sooner.) If you have questions or concerns about a colonoscopy, reach out.

Still on the Journey

I continue to be thankful for much. When cancer entered my story, I said that I did not want it to define me, but I knew it would forever be a part of my journey. It is a significant part. This day is significant. I’m still on the journey!