My Rebellious Daughter


Today I have a daughter turning 24.  I have considered if I should write a birthday post on a blog.  But, I figure, it’s my blog and I can write what I want to. 😉

I suppose I’m extra sentimental right now, but I can say in all truth, this kid has an amazing heart and she’s smart too.  But, in reality she is rebellious.  She chose at a young age, even though she is still young,  to move the way she was to move.  She still chooses to go where she is to go, love how she is to love, work how she is to work, give how she is to give and more.  She is not mimicking the average, the norm. She is a bit rebellious like that. 

And I couldn’t be happier!


I suppose you have to be a bit rebellious to teach 7th grade math!

One of my early writings when I went to grad school was a piece about Laura.  She was in high school at the time.  I love this piece. I love it because I feel like I really found the right words. I love it because it is one of the first poems I have written that I actually felt good about.  I love it because I received great feedback.  I love it because I love this girl.

Realizing her own self worth, she stands alone when necessary.
Unconfined by the restrictions of her peers she is resilient,
identified by values and beliefs she has already wrestled with.

Engaging with the world, she is willing to take risks,
seeing a bigger view. Confidently entertaining possibilities
beyond those right before her, she succeeds.

Bound by no defintion of beauty but her own, she graces her surroundings
with a simple, elegant presence not requiring outward adornment.
Assuredly her style and pose will withstand gengeratons.

Excited about the possibilities, she welcomes everyone to join her,
whatever the adventure, whatever the quest, whatever the moment.
She is resilient, confident and poised.  She is welcoming.


Rebel, her name is Laura.


Go back and reread the “E” of REBEL (please).
This picture captures that stanza.

We could all learn from being a little rebellious. At least I think so.  I think being able to see the difference in what is perhaps the norm and what you want to be defined by, is an attribute of wisdom.  I think being able to step beyond the norm and set your own normal is an attribute of strength and courage. When everything, or any one thing, around us draws us to what we know isn’t true, right, pure or lovely…REBEL.

Happy birthday, my beautiful daughter.  Thank you for all you continue to teach me as you continue to be resilient, confident and poised. Don’t stop being who you are to be, going where you are to go and so on and so on.  The world needs you and the world awaits you.


She returns to Zambia in May.


To see what may be her next move.


She continues to go where she is to go!

I thought about apologizing for the excess of pictures and sentiment, but I returned to the fact that this is my blog. 🙂 And for fear that I have not communicated clearly on a subject of utmost importance, being a rebel in this context is the most awe-inspiring and magnificent thing.  Laura’s rebellion is one full of grace, dignity and beauty.  Everyone should know her.

7 thoughts on “My Rebellious Daughter

  1. Love it, Diane. I really enjoy your writing. I’m so glad that Laura is a teacher, particularly a seventh grade teacher! (I’ve been told there’s a special place in heaven for 7th grade teachers! I hope so!)
    Happy birthday to Laura!


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